Estimate Writing

Below is a list of our course offerings.

Estimate Writing

Writing Estimates in Xactimate

Writing Estimates in Xactimate

6-1/2 hours


This 1-Day class will take the adjuster through a day filled with writing estimates in Xactimate. Learn line-item search techniques, how to create macros, and how to write the most common types of repairs you will encounter on your losses.

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Working at the Desk

Working at the Desk

6-1/2 hrs


This 1-Day course is designed to teach how to work as a file reviewer and as a desk adjuster. Tired of climbing roofs?

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Large Loss Claim Handling

Large Loss Claim Handling

6-1/2 hours


This 1-Day course will immerse the students in a large loss fire and teaches the proper way to setup your claim and estimate these large losses.

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